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E. , , vol.14, 2016.

, rencontré que deux pratiques d'écriture que tout oppose, même si, dans le cas du couple Cradock, elles furent sans doute étroitement liées, tout à la fois partagées et successives

, Among the authors and works Siegel mentions are Susan L. Blake, (Western Women and Imperialism: Complicity and Resistance

N. Chaudhuri and M. Strobel, , pp.19-34, 1992.

K. R. Lawrence, Penelope Voyages: Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition (Ithaca and, 1994.

M. Morris, Maiden Voyages: Writings of Women Travelers, 1993.

J. Robinson, Unsuitable for Ladies: An Anthology of Women Travellers, 1994.

, It is well known that the loose appellation "travel narrative" covers an almost infinite variety of books

, Gillian Rose identifies several characteristics identified as a masculine in geographical writing (i.e. a claim to objectivity, transparency, neutrality, exhaustiveness, characterlessness) which may very well apply to travel writing, in which geographical remarks often abound, Drawing on French feminist theory in her Feminism and Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge, 1993.

, Jeanne Moskal argues that the Shelleys' History is hierarchically structured to lead from feminine prose to masculine poetry (243), developing Donald Reiman's opinion that the work is "carefully constructed to culminate" in P. B. Shelley's "Mont Blanc, 1999.

, A close analysis of these reviews can be found in Colbert, 1999.

. Patriotism, which is also a feature of Beaumont's Sketch, combines with gender to serve as a shield for the narrators' political opinions

, Gender Stereotypes in Some Romantic Travelogues (and How to Use Them)

E. , , vol.14, 2016.